Healer Holistic Humanist

Legal Notice

SASU with a share capital of 7,500.00 Euros registered with the RCS of BASSE TERRE under the unique identification number 488 755 174
Headquarters: Cour Vendôme – Rue de la République – Gustavia – 97133 SAINT BARTHELEMY
Represented by Mr. Christophe Marchesseau.

Hosting :
The site is hosted on OVH shared servers – Headquarters: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.

Photo credits :
Jean-Philippe Piter
Simon Chaput : Panoramic Nudes
Ryan Borne : Ocean
Christophe Marchesseau

Réalisation :
Site by PJ

prohibited, all rights reserved. Brands and Logos on this site
Internet registered by their respective owners.
Site content:
The content of this site is for informational use only and has no contractual value. Christophe Marchesseau strives to update the accuracy of the information published on the site, the content of which he reserves the right to correct at any time without notice. Christophe Marchesseau declines all responsibility (direct or indirect) in the event of delay, error or omission regarding the content of the pages.
Christophe Marchesseau does not guarantee and will not be in any way responsible for the accuracy, veracity, current status, quality and availability of the information contained on this site, in particular for content produced from external sources, although this information comes from sources deemed reliable.
You agree to make personal and non-commercial use of the information disseminated on this site.
All content on the Christophe Marchesseau.com site, in form (design, ergonomics, etc.) and in content (texts, images, videos, etc.) are the exclusive property of Christophe Marchesseau. You agree not to use this content, in particular for illegal purposes.
Hypertext links:
The hypertext links on this website and directing users to other websites do not engage the responsibility of the editorial staff of Christophe Marchesseau with regard to the content of these sites.
Information on personal data:
Christophe Marchesseau’s website, www.Christophe Marchesseau.com, aims to present Christophe Marchesseau and his activities.
These notices relating to personal data are intended for people who consult the website of Christophe Marchesseau.
1. Data controller:
The person responsible for processing personal data is Christophe Marchesseau, registered with the RCS BASSE TERRE under the unique identification number 488 755 174, Cour Vendôme – Rue de la République – Gustavia – 97133 SAINT BARTHELEMY.
2. Collection of personal data:
Christophe Marchesseau collects some of your personal data.
a) During the site visit:
When connecting to the site, information from your connection device is automatically sent to the server on our site. This information is temporarily saved in a “log file”.
This information is as follows:
Your IP address
Date and time of access
Access location
The name and URL of the data it is accessed.
The type of browser used, the operating system of your device and the identity of your service provider.
These data are processed for the following purposes:
Guaranteed connection to the website
Guarantee of comfortable use of the site
Assessment of system security and stability
Administrative purposes.
The basis of protection is Article 6 § 1-1 f of the GDPR. The processing carried out by Christophe Marchesseau is legitimate within the meaning of this text. The processed data is in no case used to establish a profile of the persons concerned or to evaluate them or to make a decision concerning them.
In addition, cookies are used when browsing the site. The user can deactivate cookies from their browser settings (firefox, edge, chrome, etc.)
b) When making contact:
Christophe Marchesseau gives people who access the site the opportunity to contact him and ask him questions, in particular by means of a form.
In this case, the following information is required:
The name and the first name
the email address

telephone number
These data allow Christophe Marchesseau to know who contacts him and to answer the questions asked.
The subject of the message and the message itself are useful information given voluntarily by the person concerned. This information may contain personal data.
The purpose of the processing of this data is based on Article 6 § 1 a of the regulations according to which the data subject has consented to the processing of his personal data.
The data that the person concerned agrees to transmit to Christophe Marchesseau are deleted after the processing of the request.
3. Transfer of personal data:
Certain service providers may have limited access to user data. It can be an IT company which intervenes to ensure the maintenance of the site. In any event, these providers are required to observe the prescriptions of the legal provisions applicable in France with regard to personal data.
The processed data can be stored with a host. The accommodation is located in France or in Europe. Consequently, the host is required to observe the prescriptions of the legal provisions applicable in Europe with regard to personal data.
No data transfer to third parties is carried out.
4. Cookies:
Cookies are used when browsing the site. This is data that the browser automatically processes and which is saved on your device (Laptop, Tablet, Smartphone, etc.) when browsing the site. Cookies do no harm to your device. They do not contain any viruses, Trojans or other malicious programs.
Cookies contain data that is related to the device used. They do not allow direct identification of the user.
The use of cookies serves, on the one hand, to facilitate access to our services. Cookies are used to be informed when you visit the pages of the site. As soon as you have left a page, cookies are automatically erased by Christophe Marchesseau, who therefore does not store them on his server.
For the purpose of navigation optimization, temporary cookies are saved. These are saved on your device for a fixed period. On a new visit to our site, these cookies allow you to automatically recognize your last connection, the information you left, which eliminates the need to give them back.
On the other hand, cookies are useful for us to establish statistics of frequentation and use of our web pages in order to improve our presentations of information and services. Cookies allow us to recognize your previous visits on a next visit.
These cookies are necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests in accordance with Article 6 § 1-1 f) of the GDPR.
Most browsers automatically accept cookies. You can configure your browser so that cookies are not saved on your device or so that you are informed before cookies are saved. The complete deactivation of cookies can however lead to an inability to benefit from certain functions of the site.
5. Analysis and monitoring tools:
We use monitoring instruments in accordance with article 6§ 1-1 f) GDPR. These instruments are intended to adapt and optimize our site. They also allow us to compile frequentation and usage statistics for our site and to improve our offer. These interests are legitimate under article 6 above.
The purposes and categories of personal data processing derive from different monitoring instruments and are described below:
Google Analytics is an internet analysis application from Google Inc. (https://www.google.de/intl/de/about/) (1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; im Folgenden „Google “). During its implementation, pseudonymized usage profiles are established and cookies are used. The data generated by cookies relate to your use of the site.
The following data:
The type of browser used
The operating system used
The referrer URL (the page visited previously)
Location and identity of the connecting device (IP address)

Connection time
are sent to Google in the USA and saved to one of their servers. This information is used to assess the use of the site, to report on site activity, and to establish links between this activity and services for the purpose of market analysis (see the Google page therein dedicated: https://www.google.com/intl/fr_fr/analytics/).
This information is transmitted to third parties, if required by law or if the management of this data is entrusted to them. Your IP address is in no way linked to other data from Google. IP addresses are anonymized so that no reconciliation can be made (IP-Masking).
You can configure your browser to prevent cookies from working. But this will lead to a limitation of the functions offered by the site.
You can also prevent the collection of data resulting from cookies and your use of the site (including the IP address) by installing an add-on on the browser (https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl = from).
It is also possible, in particular for browsers on mobile devices, to prevent the collection made through Google Analytics by clicking on the following link. This will set up an Opt-out-Cookie, which will prevent the future collection of your data when you next visit this site. The Opt-out cookie will only work for this browser and only for our site. This cookie will be saved on your device. If you delete cookies from this browser, you will need to reinstall it.
Additional information can be found from the following link: (https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=de).
6. Rights of data subjects:
Personal data legislation gives users and data subjects the following rights:
Right to information on processing
Right of access to data: the data subject can request access to their personal data.
Right to withdraw consent: the data subject may withdraw consent to data processing, which leads to the cessation of processing as soon as it is based on consent
Right of rectification of data: the data subject may request the rectification of his personal data if it is inaccurate.
Right to limit processing: the data subject may request the data controller to process only the data necessary for the processing and deletion of certain unnecessary data
Right to data portability: the data subject may in certain conditions request from the data controller that the data processed be transmitted to a third party.
Right to delete data: the data subject may request the deletion of their personal data.
These various rights can be exercised with the controller: Christophe Marchesseau, registered with the RCS of BASSE TERRE under the unique identification number 488 755 174, Cour Vendôme – Rue de la République – Gustavia – 97133 SAINT BARTHELEMY, by means of:
From a courier
From an email to the following address: info@christophemarchesseau.com.
The data subject must produce an identity document in support of the exercise of his rights. Christophe Marchesseau will process user requests in accordance with the law. Finally, it is specified that the data subject has the possibility to contact the CNIL (3 Place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris) with any question relating to these notices.
7. Security and confidentiality:
Christophe Marchesseau has implemented organizational and technical measures to protect personal data against any alteration, destruction and unauthorized access to this data, even if Christophe Marchesseau cannot guarantee the security, transmission and storage of data.
8. Data policy:
Christophe Marchesseau respects your privacy and is committed to respecting your personal data. This information is given in accordance with personal data law as of May 25, 2018. Christophe Marchesseau will endeavor to take all the measures necessary to pursue this objective. He is listening to you and your suggestions or questions are welcome. You can send them by email to: info@christophemarchesseau.com.